Concept tires trigger huge interest

You have probably read about Goodyear’s two main concept tires shown at the Geneva motor show (See images above). They generated a massive amount of publicity in the automotive and general press and on websites around the world. I think this demonstrates – despite widespread opposition to the idea – that many people in the

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Why the Tire Tech conference will help your business

Tire Tech opens in three weeks time at its new venue in Hanover. Many of you know that I was closely involved in developing the conference programme for 2016. In this column I discuss some of the highlights of the conference, and how tire professionals can benefit. First, I want to thank the team at

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Visions of the future for the global tire industry

Disruption. Change. Revolution. Usually when we talk about the tire industry, we talk about incremental change. Tires are safety critical and big changes introduce too much risk. Vehicle makers, tire retailers and the vehicle operators like tires to be reliable, safe and secure. Tire manufacture is both capital-intensive and labour-intensive. This means tire makers need

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Tire makers and character

Last week I spent a lot of time with the VDI at their meeting in Hanover. For those who don’t know, the VDI – The German Association of Engineers – is a highly prestigious organisation which links many industries. For our industry, it was one of the few forums in 2015 where tire engineers employed

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