Why the Tire Tech conference will help your business

Tire Tech opens in three weeks time at its new venue in Hanover. Many of you know that I was closely involved in developing the conference programme for 2016. In this column I discuss some of the highlights of the conference, and how tire professionals can benefit. First, I want to thank the team at

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IQPC’s Intelligent Tire Technology scheduled for 25-27 Sept in Düsseldorf

IQPC has anounced the ninth annual conference on intelligent tire technology. The conference will be on 25-27th of September 2013. Experts from around Europe will be at the conference talking about advancements in tire technology. Material selection for optimising performance, state of the art tire sensor technology and how to save resources and time will

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EU Tire Label questioned at tire conference

A conference in Berlin has crystallised an intense debate about the EU Tire Label. The event, organised by Marcus Evans Events took place on Tuesday and Wednesday this week (16, 17 April). It is still too early to say anything about the success or otherwise of the EU Tire Label. Early indications suggest that there

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