Earlier today (29 September), we published the October 2023 edition of our global tire industry newsletter, and distributed it to subscribers. In yet another bumper-sized issue, we bring you unique insights into: Goodyear slashes 1900 jobs EU waters down Euro 7 proposals New tire factory in Egypt Raw Materials prices go up Raw materials prices see
Category: AA-commentaries
Global tire markets in turmoil amid downturn
Later today (31 August), we will publish the September 2023 edition of our global tire industry newsletter, and distribute it to subscribers. In yet another bumper-sized issue, we bring you unique insights into: Tire Industry investments Tire investments increase – especially in China Chinese companies spend most on expansion First-half results analysis Global tire markets in
What can tire makers do about cyber-criminal attacks?
Later today (30 June), we will publish the July 2023 edition of our global tire industry newsletter, and distribute it to subscribers. In yet another bumper-sized issue, we bring you unique insights into: High sustainable content tires Conti to make highest sustainable tire content Continental shows tire with 65% ‘green’ content Cyber-criminal threats rise Cyber-security is
How are tire markets developing?
Tire markets are slow at present. That’s the easy part. The more difficult part of the answer is that the state of the market varies by region, channel and by application. In very broad terms, the tire industry can be divided into three applications: Car (& light truck); Heavy truck (and bus & coach) The
What’s with these ‘high-sustainable-content’ tires?
Later today (31 May), we will publish the June 2023 edition of our global tire industry newsletter, and distribute it to subscribers. In yet another bumper-sized issue, we bring you unique insights into: Liquid mixing goes mainstream High sustainable content tire Bridgestone talks high-sustainable-content tires Tire industry in Russia Russian tire sector to face a new
Q1 results show sharp slow-down in tire industry
We have now (28 April), published the May 2023 edition of our global tire industry newsletter, and distributed it to subscribers. In yet another bumper-sized issue, we bring you unique insights into: Q1 results show depth of slow-down Tire markets in Asia Japan’s tire industry in 2022 China’s tire industry in 2022 India’s tire industry in
Tire makers, suppliers look to the future of tire industry
Later today (30 March), we will publish the April 2023 edition of our global tire industry newsletter, and distribute it to subscribers. In yet another bumper-sized issue, we bring you unique insights into: 2022 tire maker rankings Tire makers ranked for 2022 annual data Tire makers by profitability 2019-2023 Annual sales data – Final ranking, April
Disruption in 2022 reveals strengths and weaknesses at tire makers
Later today (28 February), we will publish the March 2023 edition of our global tire industry newsletter, and distribute it to subscribers. In yet another bumper-sized issue, we bring you unique insights into: 2022 results analysis2022 was a major test for tire managementAnnual sales data – Initial ranking, March 2023 Tire makers by profitability 2019-2023 Company-by-CompanyGoodyear
EU sanctions on Russian rubber are useless
Rubber was the sticking point in the 10th round of Sanctions against Russia, agreed over the weekend. The EU had intended to launch this round of sanctions on Friday 24th to mark a year since Russia invaded Ukraine, but disagreements over sanctions on rubber delayed the whole package. In fact, the resolution of those disagreements
Tire company results preview
Results season is upon us, and the tire makers are starting to report on the last 12 months, with some of their expectations for the coming months. So far (3 Feb), Trelleborg, Ceat, Hankook, and Apollo have reported their results for the period to 31 December 2022. Half a dozen of the bigger Chinese tire