Understanding the world’s tire industry

Next month (March 2019), in Singapore will mark a step forward for the global tire industry. Three events are taking place at almost the same time in the week beginning 18 March. It’s called World Rubber Week First is the World Rubber Summit, organised by the International Rubber Study Group. Second is TyreExpo Asia, organised

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Global Tire industry in November

Last week, we published the November issue of our global tire industry newsletter, and distributed it to subscribers. This 36-page publication brings unique insights into: Forecasting prices of raw materials Triangle’s factory in the US – financial analysis Intelligent Tire meeting, including: Better tires mean more miles/unit TPMS improve inflation, extend life Predicting Tire-Road grip

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GM gets serious about de-forestation and tires

This article was first published in the July edition of our monthly Tire industry Intelligence report It was accompanied by a series of other articles on sustainable natural rubber and how the tire industry can do more to limit deforestation in the Mekong basin and elsewhere. GM gets serious about de-forestation and tires In May

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Global Tire industry in September

We have just published the September issue of our global tire industry newsletter. This 36-page publication brings you unique insights into: Changes in the tire industry uncovered at the Frankfurt IAA A unique analysis of Pirelli’s IPO and prospects for the future Japan’s tire industry (in numbers) India’s tire industry (in numbers) India’s tariffs on TBR

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Tire Industry in 2017

Some of the top issues affecting the global tire industry today include: Price changes New mobility models Tariffs Developments in China’s tire industry Sustainability Management of change Our newest Annual report “” takes a deep dive into these critical subjects. Pricing and financial performance Our looks at the volatile history over the last 12 crazy

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China Tire Intelligence – May 2016

Following the successful launch of our weekly intelligence report on China’s tire industry we have decided to publish a monthly summary of the latest trends. By David Shaw Outlook improving We expect to see tire production volumes rise significantly in June and July. Orders beyond that period are uncertain. Last month we noted that some

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Why deforestation matters to the tire industry

Historically, the tire industry’s focus on sustainability has been driven by energy consumption and CO2 emissions. I know, because I just published a report on the whole subject of tire industry sustainability. Sustainability focussed on energy footprint It is drilled into tire engineers that around 80% of the total energy footprint of a tire depends

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China Tire Intelligence, monthly report – April

By David Shaw Tire makers still in a bad way China’s tire makers are still in a bad way. Spring has not yet arrived after the long economic Winter caused by US tariffs, the economic slowdown and other factors. Nevertheless, there are signs that the last snows have fallen and a few early flowers might

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Future of Rubber Machinery

I was lucky enough to be interviewed by Prasanth Warrier of Rubber Machinery World last week in his Know a Rubber Leader series. The interview is in full on his website, but I thought I’d re-print two of the ten questions he asked me here, as a bit of a teaser for his full article.

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Natural Rubber risks drive strategic realignments

Here in Guatemala, the fantastic Rubber days meeting has just finished. Measured by volumes, Guatemala is barely even on the map of Natural Rubber (NR) producing nations. But measured by creativity and energy it is up there among the leaders. Guatemala has the first (and I think only) FSC-accredited rubber plantation anywhere in the world.

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