Tire Industry in 2017

Some of the top issues affecting the global tire industry today include: Price changes New mobility models Tariffs Developments in China’s tire industry Sustainability Management of change Our newest Annual report “” takes a deep dive into these critical subjects. Pricing and financial performance Our looks at the volatile history over the last 12 crazy

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Linglong posts prospectus ahead of IPO

On June 13th, Shandong Linglong Tires Ltd announced a preliminary notice of its initial public offering (share offering) on a Chinese stock exchange. The issuer’s stock is shortened as “Linglong tire”, stock code “601966”on the Shanghai Stock exchange. The company aims to issue 200m shares at RMB12.98 (USD1.97) each, raising a maximum of almost USD400m.

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Future of Rubber Machinery

I was lucky enough to be interviewed by Prasanth Warrier of Rubber Machinery World last week in his Know a Rubber Leader series. The interview is in full on his website, but I thought I’d re-print two of the ten questions he asked me here, as a bit of a teaser for his full article.

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Puchov Plant Will Receive €100 Million Investment from Continental

Continental is to expand annual production capacity of its truck and bus tire plant in Puchov (Slovakia).  The capacity will increase from around 2.6 million tires to over 3 million over the next couple of years. Continental will invest  €100 million into EMEA for this project. Continental says that the expansion is down to an increased demand for their truck tire

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Michelin Shenyang factory is on-stream

Michelin has opened the first phase of its new factory in Shenyang, China. The project is huge. Total investment is scheduled to be US$1500 million (1,500,000,000). It will make many kinds of tire, including the cars tires, light truck tires, truck and bus tires. Total capacity will be 12 million units/year. This is projected to

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Pirelli opens new winter tire line at Voronezh

Pirelli and its Russian joint venture partner have officially opened a new tire manufacturing line at the factory in Voronezh. The investment includes a mixing centre. The new line is capable of making the latest Winter tires for use in Russia and the rest of Europe. The factory will begin shipping the tires from March

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Conti makes truck tire investment in Illinois

Continental Tire the Americas, LLC (CTA) is to invest $129 million in its Mt. Vernon, Illinois tire facility. The move will create more than 100 new full-time jobs over the next three years. The biggest spend is on a $95 million expansion of the Commercial Vehicle Tire (CVT) production area. This will enable the Mt

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Ceat adds local partner for Bangladesh investment

“Ceat Ltd” says has updated its plans to build a tire factory in Bangladesh. The business will now be a joint venture with a local company. The factory will make cross-ply (bias-ply) tyres for trucks, light trucks  and 2- and 3-wheel vehicles. Most of the output will be used in Bangladesh. About 20 percent will

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